Sanket Ghorpade


Future in Dreams — December 16, 2013

Future in Dreams

Can we see future? Many are working on different theories regarding how we can see the future! One such famous term “Precognition” came into existence which means “before acquiring knowledge”, incidents that can be seen before it actually happens. To see future in dreams is part of it.

I will tell you one simple situation which I guess you might have experienced.

I was in deep sleep and was dreaming that I was waiting for someone to come through the door, the door should knock and I knew it will knock, so I was waiting for it and then I hear knock knock on the door. I step towards the door to open it but then suddenly I woke up and I hear knock knock on my door (in real world).

This is just one situation, and this kind of situation has happened many times, sometimes with phone ringing or sometimes at place where I have never visited but later after some days I visit that place and I realize that I have been here, this is known as “Déjà vu” the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not.

Different studies and experiments have shown that about 52% experience precognitive dreams.

I believe we can see the future or at least a part of it if we can control our Unconscious mind, which is responsible of things happening in dreams.

Everything is related but we don’t believe in it because we have not yet find any pattern in it. Time to think about it and connecting the patterns to know what we already know J